Saturday, February 8, 2025

How to Play Against Gnar as Sion: A Comprehensive Guide


Sion will have a hard match experience against Gnar if you do not know both champions intricately. He is an all-round top laner with good poke, mobility, and a powerful Tank and Bruiser mode. On the other hand, Sion is a tank that does crowd control, scaling and waveclear. To emerge victoriously in this instance you have to learn to adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of both champions.

In this article, we will discuss different phases of the game and the items build that counters the Gnar as Sion match-up, including laning phase, itemization, teamfighting and several advanced strategy tips to make you the winner of this match.

Match-up Breakdown: Gnar and Sion

Stratagizing is vital and so is knowing the strengths and weaknesses of these two champions so let’s assess them before game strategy building.

A Gnar player will focus on:

  • Ranged Poke: A Mini Gnar can poke Sion with his Boomerang Throw, which takes extreme effort from Sion to farm or auto-trade.  
  • Mobility: The E Gnar can rely on enables Gnar to escape out of Ganks or Fights making him very difficult to target.
  • Mega Gnar Transformation: The Mega Gnar Form Tank Gnar with incredible defenses and potent crowd control along with burst damage. In other words, you can fight him and he can powerfully retaliate to you. You will be the one transforming into a threat for Leviathan during all-ins.
  • Kiting Sion: Gnar can effectively kite Sion when in Mini form by denying him the chance to use his abilities.

Sion’s Strengths:

  • Tankiness: With Sion’s W (Soul Furnace), he gains a shield along with bonus HP, giving him more durability in prolonged engagements.
  • Wave Clear: Sion is able to wave clear with his Q (Decimating Smash) and E (Roar of the Slayer), stopping Gnar from shoving him into the tower.
  • Crowd Control: Sion boasts dangerous CC abilities with his Q and R (Unstoppable Onslaught), which can turn the tide in a team fight.
  • Scaling: Sion benefits from scaling into the late game due to his ability to become a frontline tank, making him virtually immortal.

How to Play Against Gnar as Sion: Laning Phase

This part of the game is important in this specific matchup. Gnar will focus on attacking you and blocking your resources while you should try to stay alive, grow stronger, and get the chance to punish him for his errors.

1. Start Defensively

Gnar’s poke can be countered by starting with Doran’s Shield and Health Potions. The regeneration from Doran’s Shield can help in dealing with his harassment.

As an alternative, you can take Second Wind in the Resolve tree that offers you additional healing.

2. Farm Safely

If Gnar is zoning you, you can E (Roar of the Slayer) to hit the minions from afar.

Try avoiding standing on the wave to mitigate Gnar’s poke while also limiting the wave’s push.

3. Trade with Caution

Make sure to look for trades when Gnar is on cooldown for his Q (Boomerang Throw) ability. This is your chance to utilize your Q or E ability.

You can also use your W (Soul Furnace) to soak some of Gnar’s poke while also dealing damage when the ability detonates.

Try to watch out for Gnar’s rage bar. If Meg Gnar is close, do not attempt extended trades as he will out-trade you.

4. Wave Management

Make sure to freeze the wave so it is closer to your tower. This makes it harder for Gnar to poke you while also making it easier for your jungler to gank.

When Gnar shoves the wave, make sure you use your Q and E abilities to quickly clear it and reset the wave.

How to Play Against Gnar as Sion: Itemization

The laning phase as well as mid to late game is heavily influenced by your itemization. Here’s a few items I would recommend for this matchup: 

Core Items:

  1. Sunfire Aegis: Great for clearing waves, having more durability, and dealing damage during prolonged fights. Especially helpful against Gnar’s hybrid damage. 
  2. Plated Steelcaps: Gnar’s auto attacks become less of a threat while also granting additional mobility to chase after him.
  3. Thornmail: Effective against Gnar sustain and mitigates damage dealt by trades.

Situational Items:

  • Randuin’s Omen: Custom built Critical strike items on Gnar and for AOE AD focused teams.
  • Force of Nature: When the AOE damage from the opposing team is extensive.
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate: Adds more tankiness and provides a shield for team fights.

How To Play Sion Against Gnar: Teamfighting

Teamfighting as Sion means you want to charge straight into the enemy backline to disrupt the foe’s team and guard your carries. Your team will try to near the enemy break line while Gnar target the most impactful Mega Gnar ultimate.

1. Peel For Your Carries

When Gnar seeks to dive, you can make use of Q and R to peel for Gnar. If Gnar attempts to jump on your allies, your W shield will soak up tons of damage.

2. Cautious Engage

In teamfights, try to engage from flanks or places where you can catch Gnar or his team off guard. Also, if you are engaging with your ultimate, remember to wait for him to be in his Mini form. Wait for Gnar to be at around 60% so he is on the verge of transforming, and then he will be able to use counter engage Greater Grenade in his CC state.

3. Objective Focused

  • Sion’s exceptional wave clearance allows him to concentrate on side lanes and map pressure to chase objectives.
  • If Gnar is split-pushing, you can respond to him or engage in a teamfight with your ultimate ability.


Advanced Tips for Playing Against Gnar as Sion

Observe Gnar’s Rage States:

It is crucial to monitor Gnar’s rage bar. Whenever he is close to Mega Gnar, it is best to avoid fighting him head-on, as the Gnar can severely be impactful.

Him Or Me E:

Gnar’s E (Hop) is the best escape ability he has. If you can bait it out, now it’s your chance to all-in him after you use Q and R on him.


The bushes seen in the upper lane can help prevent Gnar from hitting Gnar with his abilities. Also, this might allow you to catch him off guard and hit him with a Q.

Aid Your Jungler:

Gnar can be easily ganked especially if his E is on cooldown. Let your jungler know when he’s overextending. 



For Gnar, some players consider changing out Grasp of the Undying for stacking in lane or Phase Rush for more easy sticking to him when he is kiting.

Final Thoughts

When playing as Sion against Gnar, always remember: patience and strategic positioning coupled with intelligent decision-making are key. This difficult matchup can be won if one learns the advantages and disadvantages of Gnar, how to itemize, and how to play around Gnar’s rage bar. Maintain your concentration during the laning phase, and focus on scaling into the late game while winning teamfights to secure victory for your team.

With these strategies at your disposal, you will be able to effectively tackle the Gnar matchup while playing as Sion in the top lane. Best of luck on the Rift!


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